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Hillier Ignite Nicaragua Summer 2017: Day 1

Hillier Ignite has arrived in Nicaragua with a team 23 strong, some first timers other "nica-veterans". Yesterday we began our day with lunch at a local restaurant joined by ORPHANetwork's Dick Anderson and Eddie Morales.

Our team enjoyed a meal while we heard about ORPHANetwork's mission and growth over the years and how our involvement has helped not only the children of Hogar De Fe, but the entire country. Hillier Ignite founder, Luke Hillier, shared with new comers his story about how he became so passionate and involved in Nicaragua.

We then hopped on a bus and headed to Hogar De Fe. Feelings of excitement and nervousness abounded. As soon as we got off the bus Pastor Romero and all 49 children at Hogar De Fe welcomed us with smiles, hugs, and a sign!

Pastor Romero welcomes us along with some of the children who told their stories, in English, of who they were and how Hogar De Fe has changed them. Then, Marta and Shelly lead us on a guided tour of the orphanage. They showed us the new multi purpose building where they have music classes, performances, and class.

The children impressed us with their English skills as we played games to introduce ourselves. We were later surprised by multiple recitals ranging from singing, to dancing, to recorders. Jessica and Minor then lead the team in song where team members and children danced like no one was watching. (check Facebook for videos)

We then enjoyed a wonderful dinner with staff and kids from none other than tip top (a Nicaragua restaurant similar to chic fil a). It was a huge hit! Although exhausted from hours of travel and little sleep, the team leaned in and soaked up every moment of jump rope, 4 square, and hair braiding.

Before leaving we joined the community at the near by church for an incredible worship service that got everyone on their feet. Luke was welcomed on stage and spoke about the community as the tree and the children are the fruit. We said our goodbyes for the night and got on the bus to head home.

On to day two! GET FIRED UP

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