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Hillier Ignite Nicaragua Summer 2017: Day 3

Our last day in Nicaragua was one for the books. We began our day by meeting the older kids from the children's home at the National Museum of Nicaragua. At the museum we learned about the history of Nicaragua, saw ancient artifacts, and admired beautiful artwork by native artists.

After a few group photos we headed back to Hogar De Fe to meet up with the rest of the children and staff. After a delicious lunch a big surprise arrived at the orphanage, a carnival! Popcorn, cotton candy, and face paint were enjoyed by all as we bounced in the bounce houses or "brinka brinka". Music was blasting as we danced and played all afternoon.

We said "hasta luego" and drove back to get ready for the fiesta. Soon later we met all 49 children along with staff at the Mulleres restaurant. A delicious dinner of chicken and steak were served.

Then the real party started. Kids, staff, and team members took turns dancing and taking wacks at the piñatas. The kids went wild when they finally broke open and exploded with candy.

We ended the night with a crazy dance party *Que Mi Gente*. We danced our hearts out and left it all on the dance floor. We were sad to say see you later but have hope and are excited for the future of Hogar De Fe and the future of Nicaragua.

¡Adios for now!

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